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Toronto West / Mississauga East Photographer | A Princess Tea Party for Addison

This past weekend, I had a little visit from this pretty little girl who is turning two this week. I photographed her a year ago when she turned one and let me tell you, she is just the happiest, smiliest little girl and very chatty. She is just a natural little model too. I am always delighted when I know that her and her family are coming to the studio.

Sweet Addison made herself right at home at the tea table, pouring tea for herself and bear, making sure he was comfortable. She asked mommy and daddy to join her and we captured a few really sweet moments of tea with them too. And just when we didn't think things could get any better, out came the "happy" cakes covered in sugary sweet vanilla icing. Hooray!

Happy Birthday Addison!! You are so sweet, darling!!


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