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Toronto West / Mississauga East Photographer | One Big Italian Family | Generations Photoshoot

This past Saturday, I got to meet this big Italian Family in High Park. As we were all meeting, more and more people and children showed up. They were having so much fun greeting each other, kids running off to look for caterpillars and tadpoles and fish. You can tell that this family is very close, that they get together often and that the children clearly love each other. The older kids were watching after the young ones as we tried to get everyone organized.

Coordinating this many high energy little people is a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well. Such beautiful, warm-hearted people and beautiful children! Admittedly, I couldn't keep everyone straight, but they still made me feel like I had known them forever, while we joked around and laughed and chased the kids. So lovely to meet you all! Until our paths crossed again!

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