Toronto West / Mississauga East Photographer | A Tiny Bear Cub for M | Newborn
This week I visited with little Ronan and family in his home. Ronan was born very early and spent a lot of time in the NICU, but finally made it home a week ago. At nearly months, he was just finally starting to be the size of many of the newborns I have photographed but with perfect skin and a little bit of chub now. He was a sleepy little guy and has a lot of growing to do! And this made him the perfect candidate for photographing because he so easily stayed asleep through all our moving him around.
Sister is clearly in love with Baby Ronan and was so excited to have her picture taken with him. It's obvious that she is going to be mama's little helper and Ronan's teacher and protector.
As a result of a little girl who loves being photographed and a sleepy, sleepy baby, we have a ton of beautiful pictures, I am just itching to edit and share, but narrowing it down to just a few to share with you! Thank you for being such a little sweet sleepy boy Ronan!