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Toronto West / Mississauga East Photographer | Mickey Mouse Cake Smash for Kellon | Cake Smash

Kellon came to see me 10 months ago at 2 months old. This baby is a complete miracle! He was born very premature and against all odds. He was tiny then and he still is but he is a fighter! His parents were told that he might not ever walk and here he is at one year! He's sitting and standing with support, furniture cruising, razzing and saying mama and dada. His parents are ever so dedicated and proud of their little treasure!

Kellon has never been the biggest smiler for me. He is cautious, shy and takes him time to get used to people. But his mama was dedicated in getting photos done of him with me over this year and we have developed such a great relationship. Yesterday he was all smiles! He was razzing and laughing and clapping and waving and smiling. Without a moment of hesitation, he was all over those balloons and that cake, smacking it and tasting it. He didn't seem to mind making a mess.

Happy Birthday Kellon! So fun spending the afternoon together!! Thank you for taking me on this journey with you!

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